01373 800130

Shiraz DNA Clinic

Shiraz DNA Test

Shiraz, Iran Immigration DNA Test

UKBA, British Embassy in Iran Accredited Results in 3-5 Days

DNA Worldwide look to help people in their DNA immigration tests to people that are looking to gain rightful immigration to the UK, EU and the USA. This is achieved by proving that there is a biological link between two or more individuals in two different countries

Results take 3-5 working days for Paternity testing and 5-10 working days for more complex cases.

How simple is your DNA Test?   

Due to modern day advances, a paternity test is an easy and painless task to carry out. All that is needed is a mouth swab sample from the individuals involved. This can be achieved by attending one of our DNA clinics in Iran. Our DNA testing clinics in Iran include Tehran and Shiraz. Our Doctors will take the mouth swabs and will then send it to our laboratory, our forensic experts will examine the samples and they will determine if there is a biological link.

We have chosen locations all around the world that are in built up areas with high population levels and very good transport links to make the process as easy and stress free as possible. We are continuously trying to add more DNA clinics to improve the service and make it ultimately easier for the client to attend.  All of our Doctors are fully accredited and routinely carry out this procedure on a daily basis.  


Shiraz is the sixth most populated city in Iran, the city has close to 2 million inhabitants, Shiraz is one of the oldest cities in ancient Persia. Shiraz international airport is located just outside the city to the south. Shiraz has good transport links to other cities in Iran, Shiraz  also has buses, taxis and trains for local transportation.

Why Choose DNA Worldwide?

Twice as accurate as other labs

DNA Worldwide is committed to providing DNA, Drug & Alcohol Testing with personal care and true integrity.

In addition to trust and support the most important aspect of testing is accuracy and reliability.

DNA Worldwide have developed the UK's most advanced testing platform covering DNA, Drug, Alcohol and Forensic services.

As an example all DNA tests look at up to 68 DNA Markers (compared to other labs testing just 16 markers) this means you be be completely sure of the results we provide. It also means DNA worldwide offer advanced family reconstruction cases that no other lab can provide (up to 5th cousin relationships).

Why is this key? Check out this page to see why testing just 16 DNA Markers can give inaccurate results.


Shiraz DNA Clinic, Chamran Boulevard, Shiraz, Iran

Make Enquiry


Colin Hay

“Good, easy, quick service for find out results”

Mr Duffie

“After 21 years I have finally got an answer to a very long and tiresome question. At last I can get on with my life and the young man who had been told by his mother all this time hopefully will be able to move on as well.”

Medina Whiteman

“It is a real eye-opener to see what genes you are carrying forward from long-lost ancestors. Most of my family tree is a mystery to me but this has explained many of my interests, even where I choose to live and travel as an adult!”